終値に誤り発見!Power Law:(33)を参照。再トライ,TODO)
Mistakes to the closing share price!Refer to Power Law:(33). Re-trial and TODO)
A-B is collected from the Power Law tendency to stock prices of the Food and Electric Appliances of Tokyo Stock Exchange according to the day.
食品は、以下(Power Law:(29))からデータが増加した。
As for Food, data has increased as follows at Power Law (29).
:What do you see from figure?
電機も、以下(Power Law:(28))からデータが増加した。
As for Electric Appliances, data has increased as follows at Power Law (28).
It pays attention separately A and B because the transition according to the day is not understood easily in the scatter chart of A-B.
The idea) Does A do the rhythm?
食品のAの日別遷移, Transition of A of Food according to day
:時間軸は下に経過する, The time axis passes below.
フィボナッチ数:F11=89, F12=144, F13=233
④:AVERAGE(AVERAGE(F11, F13), F12)で振動している?
Number of Fibonacci: F11=89, F12=144, and F13=233
Does it vibrate by ④:AVERAGE(AVERAGE(F11, F13), F12)?
電機のAの日別遷移, Transition of A of Electric Appliances according to day
:時間軸は下に経過する, The time axis passes below.
フィボナッチ数:F10=55, F11=89, F12=144
⑤:AVERAGE(AVERAGE(F10, F12), F11)と③:AVERAGE(F10, F12)の間で振動している?
Number of Fibonacci: F10=55, F11=89, and F12=144
Do it vibrate between ⑤:AVERAGE(AVERAGE(F10, F12), F11) and ③:AVERAGE(F10, F12)?
食品のBの日別遷移, Transition of B of Food according to day
:時間軸は右に経過する, The time axis passes right.
:A-Bは連動するか?, Does A-B synchronize?
電機のBの日別遷移, Transition of B of Electric Appliances according to day
:時間軸は右に経過する, The time axis passes right.
The idea)Are there a lot of reactionaries compared with the change of A value when B value is large?
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