LN(A) - LN(B)の傾向を探る。
It searches for the tendency to LN(A) - LN(B).
[0]プロット方針,Policy to plot
The following methods are stopped. Because it is not significant.
A)Power Law:(6)で、A>1のB値の変換。ポイントを線で結ぶ。
A)In Power Law:(6), B value of A>1 is converted. The point is connected in the line.
B)Power Law:(5)で、ポイントを線で結ぶ。
B)In Power Law:(5), The point is connected in the line.
Power Law:(11)の段階でのデータをプロットする。
Data at the stage of Power Law:(11) is plotted.
-3.21,104660,"Power Law:(5),p.182,Fig.5-39(a)",Industry?
-2.457,4102.56,"Power Law:(5),p.182,Fig.5-39(b)",Industry?
-2.416,5.95e3,"Power Law:(5),p.182,Fig.5-39(c)",Industry?
-1.246,74,"Power Law:(5),p.128,Fig.4-14",Nature
-1.1818,5.337e4,"Power Law:(5),p.111,Fig.4-3",Electric
-1.092,24.926,"Power Law:(5),p.61,Fig.2-16(2)",Nature
-1.035,63.065,"Power Law:(5),p.123,Fig.4-10",Electric
-1.013,17.635,"Power Law:(5),p.63,Fig.2-18",Economy...human activity
-1.0123,20.75,"Power Law:(5),p.60,Fig.2-15",Economy...human activity
-1,1e4,"Power Law:(5),p.62,Fig.2-17",Culture?...human activity
-1.0,5.62e3,"Power Law:(5),p.175,Fig.5-33",Bio
-1,100,"Power Law:(5),p.125,Fig.4-12",Nature
-0.991,18.52,"Power Law:(5),p.61,Fig.2-16(1)",Nature
-0.767,200,"Power Law:(5),p.108,Fig.4-1",Electric
-0.353,58.214,"Power Law:(4),table.1",Bio
-0.29758,15.5,"Power Law:(3),p.242,Fig.44",Bio
-0.249,31.174,"Power Law:(7),p.27,Fig.3-1",Bio
-0.249,159.9,"Power Law:(7),p.36,Fig.3-2",Bio
-0.249,212.878,"Power Law:(7),p.36,Fig.3-2",Bio
-0.74,23.2,"Power Law:(8),p.22,Fig.2",Bio
-0.518,390,"Power Law:(8),p.24,Fig.3",Bio
-0.692,6.971e3,"Power Law:(8),p.26,Fig.4",Bio
-2.154,3162,"Power Law:(9),p.129,Fig.9",web...human activity
-6.179,1.234e5,"Power Law:(10),p.37,table",Nature...human
-2.1,1e6,"Power Law:(11),Fig.1",web...human activity
data_ab <- read.csv("powerlaw-11-a-b.txt");
> data_ab
A B memo Category
1 -3.21000 104660.000 Power Law:(5),p.182,Fig.5-39(a) Industry?
2 -2.45700 4102.560 Power Law:(5),p.182,Fig.5-39(b) Industry?
3 -2.41600 5950.000 Power Law:(5),p.182,Fig.5-39(c) Industry?
4 -1.24600 74.000 Power Law:(5),p.128,Fig.4-14 Nature
5 -1.18180 53370.000 Power Law:(5),p.111,Fig.4-3 Electric
6 -1.09200 24.926 Power Law:(5),p.61,Fig.2-16(2) Nature
7 -1.03500 63.065 Power Law:(5),p.123,Fig.4-10 Electric
8 -1.01300 17.635 Power Law:(5),p.63,Fig.2-18 Economy...human activity
9 -1.01230 20.750 Power Law:(5),p.60,Fig.2-15 Economy...human activity
10 -1.00000 10000.000 Power Law:(5),p.62,Fig.2-17 Culture?...human activity
11 -1.00000 5620.000 Power Law:(5),p.175,Fig.5-33 Bio
12 -1.00000 100.000 Power Law:(5),p.125,Fig.4-12 Nature
13 -0.99100 18.520 Power Law:(5),p.61,Fig.2-16(1) Nature
14 -0.76700 200.000 Power Law:(5),p.108,Fig.4-1 Electric
15 -0.35300 58.214 Power Law:(4),table.1 Bio
16 -0.29758 15.500 Power Law:(3),p.242,Fig.44 Bio
17 -0.24900 31.174 Power Law:(7),p.27,Fig.3-1 Bio
18 -0.24900 159.900 Power Law:(7),p.36,Fig.3-2 Bio
19 -0.24900 212.878 Power Law:(7),p.36,Fig.3-2 Bio
20 -0.74000 23.200 Power Law:(8),p.22,Fig.2 Bio
21 -0.51800 390.000 Power Law:(8),p.24,Fig.3 Bio
22 -0.69200 6971.000 Power Law:(8),p.26,Fig.4 Bio
23 -2.15400 3162.000 Power Law:(9),p.129,Fig.9 web...human activity
24 -6.17900 123400.000 Power Law:(10),p.37,table Nature...human
25 -2.10000 1000000.000 Power Law:(11),Fig.1 web...human activity
[1-1]log10で出力,output by the common logarithm.
>plot(abs(data_ab$A), data_ab$B, log="xy")
The title and the label are set.
>plot(abs(data_ab$A), data_ab$B, log="xy", xlab="log10(abs(a))", ylab="log10(b)", main="Scatter chart:a-b, Power Law(11)")
[1-2]log,LNで出力,output by Napierian logarithm.
>plot(log(abs(data_ab$A)), log(data_ab$B), xlab="log(abs(a))", ylab="log(b)", main="Scatter chart:a-b, Power Law(11)")
The perpendicular line is pulled. It is expected that it is what.
>abline(v = log(1), col="red")
The horizon is pulled. Isn't it so significant to this?Though it was expected
that it settled to a specific value. For instance, LN(900).
>abline(h = log(1000), col="red")
>abline(h = log(800), col="red")
Do you see anything?
Power Law:(7)から、Power Law:(11)までのデータで、パターンを模索していた。
It groped for the pattern by data from Power Law:(7) to Power Law:(11).
The following were examined as a possibility.
[2-1]20081030-2205-,案1,Idea 1
A)Is the vertical direction near A=1.0 a resonance area? All B is allowed.
B)The plot is installed from the left under in crossing for on the right diagonal.
[2-2]20081031-0715-,案2,Idea 2
:案1のlog10をlogにした。Log10 of idea 1 was made log.
A)It crosses by A=0?
B)Is the plot distributed from the left under belting it for on the right diagonal?
[2-3]20081031-0937-,案3,Idea 3
:プロットデータを追加。The plot data is added.
A)It crosses by A=0?
[2-4]20081101-0843-,案4,Idea 4
:プロットデータを追加。The plot data is added.
B)Is the plot distributed from the left under belting it for on the right diagonal?
いたずら書きあり。Mischief writing.
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