[2]init=5, expected_border=c(5,7,8,11).
[3]border_target, n=c(6:10, 10 < p < 50); p=c(11,13,17,19,23,29,41,43,47);
________c(src->n, n->dist)は、c(src--n, dist--n)として扱う。
____[c-1] handling as c(org,tryout) : 検索が重複しないように、共通パスのみ探索する。
____[c-2] handling as c(tryout2) : スキップしていた共通パスを除外する方針を止めて、共通パスもsame先の[fc status]で扱う。これは、最後に残留していたn=23のため。@fc=stopped以外は生かす。nが大きくなると、共通パスが増加し、その存在を無視することはどうなのかと思う。
____[c-2] handling as c(tryout2) : Stop the policy of excluding the common path that was skipped, and handle the common path with the same destination [fc status]. This is because n=23 remained at the end. Use anything other than @fc=stopped. As n grows, the common paths increase, and I wonder what it's like to ignore their existence. (by google-translation)
____[c-3]tryout2作業終了後、n=c(7,8)がborder(init=5)の対象から外れた。共通パスの扱いで、@fc-statusを安易にコピーしたのが誤りか? そのために、共通パスでも、initまで探索し、その経路での@fc-statusで判断する。これをfull-path処理とする。
____[c-3]After the work of tryout2, n=c(7,8) was removed from border(init=5). Is it an error to easily copy @fc-status when handling a common path? For that reason, even if it is a common path, search up to init and judge by @fc-status on that route. This is called full-path processing.
____[d-1]パスの先頭で、c(@f,@c)のいずれかが =0の場合、いずれかに偏っているため、先頭をスキップして、次段からc(@f,@c)を評価する。
____[d-1]If any of c(@f,@c) is =0 at the beginning of the path, skip the beginning and evaluate c(@f,@c) from the next stage .
___________n=19の次段は、単一ではなく、複数(19-10-*, 19-11-*, 19-13-*)なので、結果を多数決で判定する。
____[d-3]最終表のfc-statusで、結果が偏っているものは、n=9がある。あくまでも先頭パスのバランスなので、見ると、@c=c(invalid, @fc=stopped)なので、@cの割合として使えないと判断した場合、path=9-4-*の単一で、@f*に偏っているとみなす。n=4に関して見てみる。
_________[n=4]result()=c(@f = @c, @f > @c)から、(init=5のグループ)から[n=9]を除外する。
c > f, @f < @c)が、borderの構成員であることを導きたい。
____[e-1] handling as c(org,tryout2) : パスの始めと終わりとする。
____[e-2] handling as c(tryout) : パスの先頭から最後までの全分岐のc(@f,@c)をカウントして、多数決で、そのパスのwhich=c(@f,@c)を決定する。 n=c(19,23)で、試行した。
____[f.1]Not(=!) used [option]=c(A.eq.2.5, A.eq.0.7, A.eq.0.8).
____[f.2]c(src->init, init->dist)の、
c(src, dist)の絞り込み条件は以下。
____________@矢印の向きは問わないので、=c(src--init, dist--init)として扱う。
if (p < init) existed, apply(p < init).
__________if (p < init) !existed, apply(all(p)).
__________if all(p) !existed, apply(all).
__[g]Limit the depth of a path : within int(sqrt(init + n)); @as depth-limiter;
____深さは、c(init,n)に比例する。例:c(init=11,n=19,depth=5), c(init=5,n=19,depth=4),...
____Depth is proportional to c(init,n). Example: c(init=11,n=19,depth=5), c(init=5,n=19,depth=4),...
____fullpath : @f > @c;で、init=5のborder()から外れる。これを回避するための検討です。
________result=(x*5, f*1, c*0); @f > @c; =!expected.; (c=0):偏りあり。除外。
_______ | 1 | c-f | @cf=x |
| 2 | fc-f-c | @fc@fc=x |
| 3 | fc-f-c | @fc@fc=x |
| 4 | fc-f-c | @fc@fc=x |
| 5 | fc-f-f | (@fc,f*2)=f |
| 6 | fc-c-f | (@fc,@cf*1)=x |
| 7 | out | --- |
| 8 | out | --- |
_______result=(x*2, f*1, c*3); @f < @c; =expected; (?*0)がないので、偏りなし。採用!?
_______ | 1 | c-f | @cf=x |
| 2 | (fc-f)-c,=>(c)-c | @cc=c |
| 3 | (fc-f)-c,=>(c)-c | @cc=c |
| 4 | (fc-f)-c,=>(c)-c | @cc=c |
| 5 | (fc-f)-f,=>(c)-f | @cf=x |
| 6 | (fc-c)-f,=>(f)-f | @ff=f |
| 7 | out | --- |
| 8 | out | --- |
______{3-1:@fc=fの場合}, result=(x*1, f*5, c*0); @f > @c; =!expected; (c=0):偏りあり。除外。
_______ | 1 | c-f | @cf=x |
| 2 | fc-f-c,=>f-f-c | (f*2,c*1)=f |
| 3 | fc-f-c,=>f-f-c | (f*2,c*1)=f |
| 4 | fc-f-c,=>f-f-c | (f*2,c*1)=f |
| 5 | fc-f-f,=>f-f-f | (f*3,c*0)=f |
| 6 | fc-c-f,=>f-c-f | (f*2,c*1)=f |
| 7 | out | --- |
| 8 | out | --- |
______{3-2:@fc=cの場合}, result=(x*1, f*1, c*4); @f < @c; =expected; (f*1,=1/5=20%)なので、偏りなし。採用!?
_______ | 1 | c-f | @cf=x |
| 2 | fc-f-c,=>c-f-c | (f*1,c*2)=c |
| 3 | fc-f-c,=>c-f-c | (f*1,c*2)=c |
| 4 | fc-f-c,=>c-f-c | (f*1,c*2)=c |
| 5 | fc-f-f,=>c-f-f | (f*2,c*1)=f |
| 6 | fc-c-f,=>c-c-f | (f*1,c*2)=c |
| 7 | out | --- |
| 8 | out | --- |
____result(対象No., !(対象外のNo.)).
____result(1) : 除外=c(!pair=invalid, @fc=stopped, search=stopped, looped),パスの先頭と終端の組み合わせで判定。
____result(1-1) : tryout : 除外=c(same), (See [e-2]), パスの全(@f,@c)を見て、多数決で判定する。
____result(1-2) : depth-limiter : 除外=c(same), パスの深さで、対象を選別する。パスの先頭と終端判定(like result(1))。
____result(2) : tryout2 : 除外=c(!pair=invalid, @fc=stopped,
search=stopped, looped), パスの先頭と終端判定(like result(1))。
______@(search=stopped)を除外しないが、使用する@fcは、(same No.)のものを使う。
____result(2-1) : tryout2,depth-limiter : 除外=c(same), result(2)のdepth-limitter版。
____result(2-2) : tryout2,tryout : 除外=c(same), result(2)のtryout版。
____result(2-3) : tryout2,tryout,depth-limitter : 除外=c(same), result(2)の(tryout,depth-limiter)版。
____result(3) : fullpath : included=c(tryout,depth-limiter) : 除外=c(!pair=invalid, @fc=stopped,
search=stopped, looped), パスの全(@f,@c)を見る。
______@(search=stopped)を除外しないが、使用する@fcは、(same No.)のではなく、自分自身のものを使う。
(p < init) : result(8,9)=c(f*1, c*1), @f = @c; @expected : @f < @c;
_____(all < init) : result(1:4,7,8,9)=c(@f*3, @c*4), @f < @c; @selected this!
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:4,7,8,9)=same, @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : result=same, @f < @c;
#__fullpath(tryout2; tryout,out) : result=same, @f < @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | comment | depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 0.1--5@c | @c | !p | 2 | in |
2 | 0.2--5@c | @c | !p | 2 | in |
3 | 0.5--5@c | @c | !p | 2 | in |
4 | 0.6--5@f | @f | !p | 2 | in |
5 | 0.7--5@f | @f | !p,!used in [option]. | 2 | in |
6 | 0.8--5@f | @f | !p,!used in [option]. | 2 | in |
7 | 1--5@f | @f | !p | 2 | in |
8 | 2--5@f | @f | p < init, | 2 | in |
9 | 3--5@c | @c | p < init, | 2 | in |
10 | 9--5@c | @c | !p > init, | 2 | in |
11 | 10--5@f | @f | !p > init, | 2 | in |
12 | 11--5@f | @f | p > init, | 2 | in |
[n=6]: (?<6) :result(1:4)=c(cf,cf,ff,cc)=(cf*2=ignored, ff=f*1, cc=c*1), @f = @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:4)=same, @f = @c;
#__tryout2 : result=same, @f = @c;
__fullpath() : result=same, @f = @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common path | depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 6@c--0.6--5@f | @cf | ? | 2 | in |
2 | 6@c--1--5@f | @cf | ? | 2 | in |
3 | 6@f--2--5@f | @ff | ? | 2 | in |
4 | 6@c--3--5@c | @cc | ? | 2 | in |
[n=7]: (?<7) :result(1:6, !(7))=c((fc=cf)*2, ff=f*1, cc=c*3), @f < @c;
___common:result(1:6,out=7)=c((fc=cf)*2, ff=f*1, cc=c*3), @f < @c;
___common:result(2:7,out=1)=c((cf=fc)*3, f*0, cc=c*3), @f < @c;
___tryout : result(1:6)=c(x*1, f*2, c*3), @f < @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result()=same, @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : result(1:7)=c((fc=cf)*2, ff=f*2, cc=c*3), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1;7)=c(x*1, f*3, c*3), @f = @c;
___fullpath : result(1:7)=c(x*1, f*2, c*4), @f < @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 7@f--2--5@f 7-f-2-f-5 |
@ff (f*2)=f | same as 7-4-2(No.7) | 2 | in |
2 | 7@f--3--5@c 7-f-3-c-5 |
@fc (f*1,c*1)=x | ? | 2 | in |
3 | 7@c--4--0.1--5@c 7-c-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
4 | 7@c--4--0.2--5@c 7-c-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
5 | 7@c--4--0.5--5@c 7-c-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
6 | 7@c--4--1--5@f 7-c-4-f-1-f-5 |
@cf (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
7 | 7@c--4--2 full=7-c-4-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*1,c*2)=c |
same as 7-2(No.1),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 2 3 | in in |
[n=8]: (?<8) :
result(1:6)=c(cf*1=ignored, (fc,f)=f*2, (fc,c)=c*3), @f < @c;
__result(1:8,!(6,7))=c(cf*1, (fc,f)=f*1, (fc.c)=c*4), @f < @c;
___common:result(1:5,out=6)=c(cf*1, (fc,f)=f*1, (fc,c)=c*3), @f < @c;
___common:result(2:6,out=1)=c(cf*0, (fc,f)=f*2, (fc,c)=c*3), @f < @c;
___tryout : result(1:5)=c(x*4, f*1, c*0), @f > @c; @!expected.
___tryout : result(1:8,!(6,7))=c(x*4, f*1, c*1), @f = @c; @!expected.
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:8,!(6:8))=c(cf*1, (fc,f)=f*1, (fc,c)=c*3), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : result(1:8)=c(cf*3, (fc.f)=f*1, (fc,c)=c*4), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:8,!(8))=c(cf*3, (fc,f)=f*1, (fc,c)=c*3), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:8)=c(x*6, f*1, c*1), @f = @c; @!expected.
#__tryout2 : with tryout : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:8,!(8))=c(x*6, f*1, c*0), @f > @c; @!expected.
__fullpath : result(1:8, !(out=c(7,8))=c(x*5, f*1, c*0), @f > @c; @!expected.
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 8@c--2--5@f 8-c-2-f-5 |
@cf (f*1,c*1)=x | same as 8-4(No.6) | 2 | in |
2 | 8@fc--4--0.1--5@c 8-fc-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@fc,c (fc*1=x,f*1,c*1)=x | ? | 3 | in |
3 | 8@fc--4--0.2--5@c 8-fc-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@fc,c (fc*1,f*1,c*1)=x | ? | 3 | in |
4 | 8@fc--4--0.5--5@c 8-fc-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@fc,c (fc*1,f*1,c*1)=x | ? | 3 | in |
5 | 8@fc--4--1--5@f 8-fc-4-f-1-f-5 |
@fc,f (fc*1,f*2,c*0)=f | ? | 3 | in |
6 | 8@fc--4--2 full=8-fc-4-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=(@fc,f),(fc*1,f*1,c*1)=x |
same as 8-2(No.1),@cf,(x) full=(@fc,f),(x) | 2 3 | in in |
7 | 8@fc--4--7--2 full=8-fc-4-c-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=(@fc,f),(fc*1, f*2, c*1)=f |
same as 8-2(No.1),@cf,(x) full=(@fc,f),(f) | 3 4 | in out |
8 | 8@fc--4--7--3--5@c 8-fc-4-c-7-f-3-c-5 |
@fc,c (fc*1,f*1,c*2)=c |
? | 4 | out |
[n=9]: (?<9) :except common-path from first.
___result(3:7,9)=c(fc*4, ff=f*2, c*0), @f > @c;
___tryout : result(3:9, !(8))=c(x*1, f*5, c*0), @f > @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(3:7)=c(fc*3, ff=f*2, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : result(3:9)=c(fc*4, ff=f*3, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(3:8)=c(fc*3, ff=f*3, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(3:9)=c(x*1, f*6, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(3:9),!(9))=c(x*0, f*6, c*0), @f > @c;
__fullpath : result(1:11,!(1,2,8:11))=c(x*0, f*5, c*0), @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 9@c--5 | (@f*0,@c*1),!pair=invalid? | --- | 1 | in |
2 | 9@fc--3 | @fc=stopped | --- | 1 | in |
3 | 9@f--4--0.1--5@c 9-f-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
4 | 9@f--4--0.2--5@c 9-f-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
5 | 9@f--4--0.5--5@c 9-f-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
6 | 9@f--4--1--5@f 9-f-4-f-1-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*0)=f | ? | 3 | in |
7 | 9@f--4--2--5@f 9-f-4-c-2-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
8 | 9@f--4--7--2 full=9-f-4-c-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 9-4-2(No.7),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 3 4 | in out |
9 | 9@f--4--7--3--5@c 9-f-4-c-7-f-3-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | out |
10 | 9@f--4--7--4 | search=stopped,loop | same as 9-4-?(No.3-) | 3 | in |
11 | 9@f--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 2 | in |
___result(1:8, !(6,8))=c((fc=cf)*4, ff=f*1, cc=c*1), @f = @c;
__tryout : result(1:7, !(6,8))=c(x*4, f*1, c*1), @f = @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result()=same, @f = @c;
#__tryout2 : result(1:8, !8)=c((fc=cf)*5, ff=f*1, cc=c*1), @f = @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:8, !8)=c(x*5, f*1, c*1), @f = @c;
__fullpath : result(1:8, !8)=c(x*4, f*2, c*1), @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 4@f--0.1--5@c 4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@fc (f*1,c*1)=x |
? | 2 | in |
2 | 4@f--0.2--5@c 4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@fc (f*1,c*1)=x |
? | 2 | in |
3 | 4@f--0.5--5@c 4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@fc (f*1,c*1)=x |
? | 2 | in |
4 | 4@f--1--5@f 4-f-1-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*0)=f |
? | 2 | in |
5 | 4@c--2--5@f 4-c-2-f-5 |
@cf (f*1,c*1)=x |
? | 2 | in |
6 | 4@c--7--2 full=4-c-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 4-2(No.5),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(f) | 3 | in |
7 | 4@c--7--3--5@c 4-c-7-f-3-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c |
? | 3 | in |
8 | 4@fc--8 | @fc=stopped | ? | 1 | in |
[n=10]: (?<10) :except common-path from first.
___result=c(2:6,8,11,12)=c((fc=cf)*6, ff=f*2, c*0), @f > @c;
___tryout : result(2:12, !(7,9,10))=c(x*1, f*6, c*1), @f > @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(2:6,11,12)=c((fc=cf)*5, ff=f*2, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : result(2:15, !(9,10))=c((fc=cf)*7, ff=f*5, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(2:15, !(8,9,10))=c(fc*6, ff=f*5, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(2:15, !(9,10))=c(x*2, f*9, c*1), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(2:15, !(8,9,10))=c(x*1, f*9, c*1), @f > @c;
__fullpath : result(1:15,!(1,7:10))=c(x*0, f*7, c*3), @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 10@f--5 | (@f*1,@c*0),!pair=invalid? | --- | 1 | in |
2 | 10@f--4--0.1--5@c 10-f-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
3 | 10@f--4--0.2--5@c 10-f-4-f-0.2-c-5
| @fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
4 | 10@f--4--0.5--5@c 10-f-4-f-0.5-c-5
| @fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
5 | 10@f--4--1--5@f 10-f-4-f-1-f-5
| @ff (f*3,c*0)=f | ? | 3 | in |
6 | 10@f--4--2--5@f 10-f-4-c-2-f-5
| @ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
7 | 10@f--4--7--2 full=10-f-4-c-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 10-4-2(No.6),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 3 4 | in out |
8 | 10@f--4--7--3--5@c 10-f-4-c-7-f-3-c-5
| @fc (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | out |
9 | 10@f--4--7--4 | search=stopped,looped |
same as 10-4(No.2-) | 3 | in |
10 | 10@f--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 2 | in |
11 | 10@f--4--9--5@c 10-f-4-f-9-c-5
| @fc (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
12 | 10@c--6--0.6--5@f 10-c-6-c-0.6-f-5
| @cf (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
13 | 10@c--6--1 full=10-c-6-c-1-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f**1,c*2)=c |
same as 10-4-1(No.5),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 2 3 | in in |
14 | 10@c--6--2 full=10-c-6-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 10-4-2(No.6),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(f) | 2 3 | in in |
15 | 10@c--6--3 full=10-c-6-c-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@cc(f*0,c*3)=c |
same as 10-4-7-3(No.8),@fc,(x) full=@cc,(c) | 2 3 | in in |
[n=11]: (?<11) :except common-path from first.
___result(1:5,7,10,11,13)=c((@f*1,@c*0)=invalid?, cf*3, ff=f*1, cc=c*5), @f < @c;
___tryout : result(1:13, !(6,8,9))=c(x*0, f*3, c*6), @f < @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result=same, @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : result(1:19, !(8,9,12))=c(cf*8, ff=f*1, cc=c*7), result(20)=c(cf*4, f*0, cc=c*5), sum=c(cf*12, ff=f*1, cc=c*12), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:19, !(8,9,12))=c(x*0, f*5, c*11), result(20)=c(x*0, f*2, c*7), sum=c(x*0, f*7, c*18), @f < @c:
__fullpath : result(1:20, !(8,9,12))=c(x*2, f*8, c*13), @f < @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 11@c--4--0.1--5@c 11-c-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
2 | 11@c--4--0.2--5@c 11-c-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
3 | 11@c--4--0.5--5@c 11-c-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
4 | 11@c--4--1--5@f 11-c-4-f-1-f-5 |
@cf (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
5 | 11@c--4--2--5@f 11-c-4-c-2-f-5 |
@cf (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
6 | 11@c--4--7--2 full=11-c-4-c-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 11-4-2(No.5),@cf,(c) full=@cf,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
7 | 11@c--4--7--3--5@c 11-c-4-c-7-f-3-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*3)=c | ? | 4 | in |
8 | 11@c--4--7--4 |
search=stopped,looped | same as 11-4-(No.1) | 3 | in |
9 | 11@c--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 2 | in |
10 | 11@c--4--9--5@c 11-c-4-f-9-c-5 |
@cc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
11 | 11@c--4--10--5@f 11-c-4-f-10-f-5 |
@cf (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
12 | 11@f--5 | (@f*1,@c*0),!pair=invalid? | --- | 1 | in |
13 | 11@f--6--0.6--5@f 11-f-6-c-0.6-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
14 | 11@f--6--1 full=11-f-6-c-1-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 11-4-1(No.4),@cf,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 2 3 | in in |
15 | 11@f--6--2 full=11-f-6-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*0)=f |
same as 11-4-2(No.5),@cf,(c) full=@ff,(f) | 2 3 | in 3 |
16 | 11@f--6--3 full=11-f-6-c-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@fc,(f*1,c*2)=c |
same as 11-4-7-3(No.7),@cc,(c) full=@fc,(c) | 2 3 | in in |
17 | 11@f--6--10 full=11-f-6-c-10-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 11-4-10(No.11),@cf,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 2 | in |
18 | 11@c--7--2 full=11-c-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 11-4-2(No.5),@cf,(c) full=cf,(f) | 2 | in |
19 | 11@c--7--3 full=11-c-7-f-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@cc,(f*1,c*2)=c |
same as 11-4-7-3(No.7),@cc,(c) full=@cc,(c) | 2 | in |
20 | 11@c--7--4
same as 11-4-(No.1:11),@cc,(c)
[n=13]: (?<13) :except common-path from first.
___result(1:6,9:11,15)=c(fc*5, ff=f*5, c*0), @f > @c;
___tryout : result(1:15, !(7,8,12:14))=c(x*4, f*5, c*1), @f > @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result=same, @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : result(1:20, !(14,20))=c(fc*6, ff=f*12, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:20, !(14,20))=c(x*5, f*12, c*1), @f > @c;
__fullpath : result(1:20, !(14,20))=c(x*6, f*10,c*2), @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 13@f--6--0.6--5@f 13-f-6-c-0.6-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
2 | 13@f--6--1--5@f 13-f-6-c-1-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
3 | 13@f--6--2--5@f 13-f-6-f-2-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*0)=f | ? | 3 | in |
4 | 13@f--6--3--5@c 13-f-6-c-3-c-5 |
@fc (f*1,c*2)=c | ? | 3 | in |
5 | 13@f--6--10--5@f 13-f-6-c-10-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
6 | 13@f--6--11--5@f 13-f-6-f-11-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*0)=f | ? | 3 | in |
7 | 13@f--7--2 full=13-f-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*0)=f |
same as 13-6-2(No.3),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 2 3 | in in |
8 | 13@f--7--3 full=13-f-7-f-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@fc,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 13-6-3(No.4),@fc,(c) full=@fc,(f) | 2 3 | in in |
9 | 13@f--7--4--0.1--5@c 13-f-7-c-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
10 | 13@f--7--4--0.2--5@c 13-f-7-c-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
11 | 13@f--7--4--0.5--5@c 13-f-7-c-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
12 | 13@f--7--4--1 full=13-f-7-c-4-f-1-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 13-6-1(No.2),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 3 4 | in in |
13 | 13@f--7--4--2 full=13-f-7-c-4-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 13-6-2(No.3),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
14 | 13@f--7--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 3 | in |
15 | 13@f--7--4--9--5@c 13-f-7-c-4-f-9-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
16 | 13@f--7--4--10 full=13-f-7-c-4-f-10-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 13-6-10(No.5),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 3 4 | in in |
17 | 13@f--7--4--11 full=13-f-7-c-4-c-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 13-6-11(No.6),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
18 | 13@f--7--11 full=13-f-7-c-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*2,c*1)=f |
same as 13-6-11(No.6),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 2 3 | in in |
19 | 13@c--8--2 full=13-c-8-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*1,c*2)=c |
same as 13-6-2(No.3),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 2 3 | in in |
20 | 13@c--8--4@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 2 | in |
[n=17]: (?<17) :result(1:3)=c((fc=cf)*2, ff=f*1, c*0), @f > @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:3)=same, @f > @c;
___fullpath() : result(1:3)=same, @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common path | depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 17@f--9--5@c | @fc | x | 2 | in |
2 | 17@f--10--5@f | @ff | x | 2 | in |
3 | 17@c--11--5@f | @cf | x | 2 | in |
[n=19]: (?<19) :except common-path from first.
7,8,11:13,17)=c(cf*4, ff=f*1, cc=c*5), @f < @c; expected=!(@f < @c);
___tryout : collect all (f,c) of branches : パス内での大小関係で判定する。
7,8,11:13,17)=c(cf=x*3, f*2, c*5), @f < @c; expected=!(@f < @c);
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:6)=c(cf*4, ff=f*1, cc=c*1), @f = @c; expected.
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(tryout;1:6)=c(cf=x*3, ff=f*2, cc=c*1), @f > @c; expected.
#__tryout2 : result(1:22, !(16,22))=c(cf*10, ff=f*4, cc=c*6), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:22, !(11:13,16,17,22))=c(cf*10, ff=f*4, cc=c*2), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:22, !(16,22))=c(x*10, f*4, c*6), @f < @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:22, !(11:13,16,17,22))=c(cf*10, ff=f*4, cc=c*2), @f > @c;
__fullpath : result(1:22, !(16,22, out=c(11:15,17:19)))=c(x*6, f*4, c*2), @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 19@c--10--5@f | @cf=x | ? | 2 | in |
2 | 19@f--11--5@f | @ff=f | ? | 2 | in |
3 | 19@c--13--6--0.6--5@f 19-c-13-f-6-c-0.6-f-5 |
@cf=x (f*2,c*2)=x | ? tryout | 4 | in |
4 | 19@c--13--6--1--5@f 19-c-13-f-6-c-1-f-5
| @cf=x (f*2,c*2)=x | ? tryout | 4 | in |
5 | 19@c--13--6--2--5@f 19-c-13-f-6-f-2-f-5 |
@cf=x (f*3,c*1)=f | ? tryout | 4 | in |
6 | 19@c--13--6--3--5@c 19-c-13-f-6-c-3-c-5
| @cc=c (f*1,c*3)=c | ? tryout | 4 | in |
7 | 19@c--13--6--10 full=19-c-13-f-6-c-10-f-5
| search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 19-10(No.1),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(x) | 3 | in |
8 | 19@c--13--6--11 full=19-c-13-f-6-f-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 19-11(No.2),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(f) | 3 | in |
9 | 19@c--13--7--2 full=19-c-13-f-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 19-13-6-2(No.5),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(f) | 3 4 | in in |
10 | 19@c--13--7--3 full=19-c-13-f-7-f-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@cc,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 19-13-6-3(No.6),@cc,(c) full=@cc,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
11 | 19@c--13--7--4--0.1--5@c 19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@cc=c (f*2,c*3)=c | ? tryout | 5 | out |
12 | 19@c--13--7--4--0.2--5@c 19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@cc=c (f*2,c*3)=c | ? tryout | 5 | out |
13 | 19@c--13--7--4--0.5--5@c 19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@cc=c (f*2,c*3)=c | ? tryout | 5 | out |
14 | 19@c--13--7--4--1 full=19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-1-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*2)=f |
same as 19-13-6-1(No.4),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(f) | 4 5 | in out |
15 | 19@c--13--7--4--2 full=19-c-13-f-7-c-4-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*3)=c |
same as 19-13-6-2(No.5),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(c) | 4 5 | in out |
16 | 19@c--13--7--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 4 | in |
17 | 19@c--13--7--4--9--5@c 19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-9-c-5 |
@cc=c (f*2,c*3)=c | ? tryout | 5 | out |
18 | 19@c--13--7--4--10 full=19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-10-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*2)=f |
same as 19-10(No.1),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(f) | 4 5 | in out |
19 | 19@c--13--7--4--11 full=19-c-13-f-7-c-4-c-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*3)=c |
same as 19-11(No.2),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 4 5 | in out |
20 | 19@c--13--7--11 full=19-c-13-f-7-c-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 19-11(No.2),@ff,(f) full=@cf,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
21 | 19@c--13--8--2 full=19-c-13-c-8-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*1,c*3)=c |
same as 19-13-6-2(No.5),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(c) | 3 4 | in in |
22 | 19@c--13--8--4@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 3 | in |
[n=23]: (?<23) :except common-path from first.
___result(1:6,9:11,15)=c(cf*5, f*0, cc=c*5), @f < @c; expected=!(@f < @c);)
___tryout : result(1:6,9:11,15)=c(fc*3, f*2, c*5), @f < @c; expected=!(@f < @c);
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result()=same, @f < @c; expected=!(@f < @c);
#__tryout2 : result(1:22, !(14,20))=c(cf*14, f*0, cc=c*6), @f < @c; expected=!(@f < @c);
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:22, !(14,20))=c(fc=x*6, f*8, c*6), @f > @c; happy?
__fullpath : result(1:22, !(14,20))=c(x*6, f*5, c*9), @f < @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 23@c--13--6--0.6--5@f
| @cf (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
2 | 23@c--13--6--1--5@f
| @cf (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
3 | 23@c--13--6--2--5@f
| @cf (f*3,c*1)=f | ? | 4 | in |
4 | 23@c--13--6--3--5@c
| @cc (f*1,c*3)=c | ? | 4 | in |
5 | 23@c--13--6--10--5@f
| @cf (f*2,c*2)=x | ? | 4 | in |
6 | 23@c--13--6--11--5@f
| @cf (f*3,c*1)=f | ? | 4 | in |
7 | 23@c--13--7--2 full=23-c-13-f-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 23-13-6-2(No.3),@cf,(f) full=@cf,(f) | 3 4 | in in |
8 | 23@c--13--7--3 full=23-c-13-f-7-f-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@cc(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 23-13-6-3(No.4),@cc,(c) full=@cc,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
9 | 23@c--13--7--4--0.1--5@c
| @cc (f*2,c*3)=c | ? | 5 | in |
10 | 23@c--13--7--4--0.2--5@c
| @cc (f*2,c*3)=c | ? | 5 | in |
11 | 23@c--13--7--4--0.5--5@c
| @cc (f*2,c*3)=c | ? | 5 | in |
12 | 23@c--13--7--4--1 full=23-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-1-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*2)=f |
same as 23-13-6-1(No.2),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(f) | 4 5 | in in |
13 | 23@c--13--7--4--2 full=23-c-13-f-7-c-4-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*3)=c |
same as 23-13-6-2(No.3),@cf,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 4 5 | in in |
14 | 23@c--13--7--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | ? | 4 | in |
15 | 23@c--13--7--4--9--5@c
| @cc (f*2,c*3)=c | ? | 5 | in |
16 | 23@c--13--7--4--10 full=23-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-10-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*3,c*1)=f |
same as 23-13-6-10(No.5),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(f) | 4 5 | in in |
17 | 23@c--13--7--4--11 full=23-c-13-f-7-c-4-c-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*3)=c |
same as 23-13-6-11(No.6),@cf,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 4 5 | in in |
18 | 23@c--13--7--11 full=23-c-13-f-7-c-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 23-13-6-11(No.6),@cf,(f) full=@cf,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
19 | 23@c--13--8--2 full=23-c-13-c-8-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*1,c*3)=c |
same as 23-13-6-2(No.3),@cf,(f) full=@cf,(c) | 3 4 | in in |
20 | 23@c--13--8--4@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 3 | in |
21 | 23@c--13--19--10 full=23-c-13-c-19-c-10-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*1,c*3)=c |
same as 23-13-6-10(No.5),@cf,(x) full=@cf,(c) | 3 4 | in in |
22 | 23@c--13--19--11 full=23-c-13-c-19-f-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@cf,(f*2,c*2)=x |
same as 23-13-6-11(No.6),@cf,(f) full=@cf,(x) | 3 4 | in in |
[n=29]: (?<29) :result(1:6,11:13,17,18)=c(fc*5, ff=f*6, c*0), @f > @c;
*____(in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:6)=c(fc*1, ff=f*6, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : result(1:20, !(16,20))=c(fc*6, ff=f*12, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:20, !(11:13,16,17,20))=c(fc*2, ff=f*12, c*0), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : result(1:20, !(16,20))=c(x*4, f*12, c*2), @f > @c;
#__tryout2 : with tryout : (in),depth(path) < depth-limiter : result(1:20, !(11:13,16,17,20))=c(x*0, f*12, c*2), @f > @c;
___fullpath : result(1:20, !(16,20, out=c(11:15,17)))=c(x*1, f*10, c*2), @f > @c;
No. | path(n to init) | fc status | common-path, fc-copied,(tryout) |
depth (path) | depth(path) .vs.limiter |
1 | 29@f--19--10--5@f 29-f-19-c-10-f-5 |
@ff (f*2,c*1)=f | ? | 3 | in |
2 | 29@f--19--11--5@f 29-f-19-f-11-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*0)=f | ? | 3 | in |
3 | 29@f--19--13--6--0.6--5@f 29-f-19-c-13-f-6-c-0.6-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*2)=f | ? | 5 | in |
4 | 29@f--19--13--6--1--5@f 29-f-19-c-13-f-6-c-1-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*2)=f | ? | 5 | in |
5 | 29@f--19--13--6--2--5@f 29-f-19-c-13-f-6-f-2-f-5 |
@ff (f*4,c*1)=f | ? | 5 | in |
6 | 29@f--19--13--6--3--5@c 29-f-19-c-13-f-6-c-3-c-5 |
@fc (f*2,c*3)=c | ? | 5 | in |
7 | 29@f--19--13--6--10 full=29-f-19-c-13-f-6-c-10-f-5 |
search=stopped @ff,(f*3,c*2)=f |
same as 29-19-10(No.1),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 4 5 | in in |
8 | 29@f--19--13--6--11 full=29-f-19-c-13-f-6-f-11-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*4,c*1)=f |
same as 29-19-11(No.2),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 4 5 | in in |
9 | 29@f--19--13--7--2 full=29-f-19-c-13-f-7-f-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*4,c*1)=f |
same as 29-19-13-6-2(No.5),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 4 5 | in in |
10 | 29@f--19--13--7--3 full=29-f-19-c-13-f-7-f-3-c-5 |
search=stopped full=@fc,(f*3,c*2)=f |
same as 29-19-13-6-3(No.6),@fc,(c) full=@fc,(f) | 4 5 | in in |
11 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--0.1--5@c 29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-0.1-c-5 |
@fc (f*3,c*3)=x | ? | 6 | out |
12 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--0.2--5@c 29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-0.2-c-5 |
@fc (f*3,c*3)=x | ? | 6 | out |
13 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--0.5--5@c 29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-0.5-c-5 |
@fc (f*3,c*3)=x | ? | 6 | out |
14 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--1 full=29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-1-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*4,c*2)=f |
same as 29-19-13-6-1(No.4),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(f) | 5 6 | in out |
15 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--2 full=29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-4-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*3,c*3)=x |
same as 29-19-13-6-2(No.5),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(x) | 5 6 | in out |
16 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--8@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 5 | in |
17 | 29@f--19--13--7--4--9--5@c 29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-4-f-9-c-5 |
@fc (f*3,c*3)=x | ? | 6 | out |
18 | 29@f--19--13--7--11--5@f 29-f-19-c-13-f-7-c-11-f-5 |
@ff (f*3,c*2)=f | ? | 5 | in |
19 | 29@f--19--13--8--2 full=29-f-19-c-13-c-8-c-2-f-5 |
search=stopped full=@ff,(f*2,c*3)=c |
same as 29-19-13-6-2(No.5),@ff,(f) full=@ff,(c) | 4 5 | in in |
20 | 29@f--19--13--8--4@fc | @fc=stopped | --- | 4 | in |
[n=all]: resut is; as init=5;
org=!depth-limiter | * | depth-limiter | * | tryout2 use common-path, fullpath()=used !common-path. |
n | fc status (all) | fc status (common) | init=5 group | comment |
* | fc status (all) | init=5 group |
* | rate com* path,% (!out) | fc status (all), (out,tryout) | init=5 group | comment |
5 | f:3<@c:4 | --- | o | init |
* | same as org | o |
* | 0%,0/12 (same) | same as org tryout=(@f:3 <@c:4) fullpath(tryout,out)=(@f:3 <@c:4) | o o o |
path.top= (f=3/7,c=4/7) |
6 | f:1=@c:1 | --- | x | |
* | same | x |
* | 0%,0/4 (same) | same tryout=(same) fullpath()=same | x x x |
path.top= (f=1/2,c=1/2) |
7 | f:1<@c:3 | f:1<@c:3 | o o | tryout |
* | same | o |
* | 14%,1/7 (same) | @f:2 <@c:3 tryout=(@f:3=@c:3) fullpath()=(@f:2 <@c:4) |
o x o |
path.top= (f=2/7,c=5/7) |
8 | f:2<@c:3
f:1>@c:0 f:1=c:1 | f:1<@c:3 . |
o x x
| .
tryout tryout |
* | f:1<@c:3 | o |
* | 16%,1/6 (same) | @f:1 < @c:4
@f:1 < @c:3
tryout.out=(@f:1 > @c:0)
fullpath()=(@f:1 > @c:0)
=>applied [h]{3-2}. @f:1<@c:4 |
o ox x x o |
path.top= (fc=5/6,f=0/6,c=1/6) ---
todo:handling @fc? =>See [h]. |
9 | f:2>@c:0 f:5>@c:0 |
--- | x x | . tryout |
* | f:2>@c:0 | x |
* | 10%,1/10 (11%,1/9) |
@f:3>@c:0 out=(@f:3>@@c:0)
tryout=(@f:6>@c:0) tryout,out=(@f:6>@c:0)
fullpath()=(@f:5>@c:0) applied [d-3],n=4:c(f=c,f>@c). |
x x x x x |
path.top= (fc=1/10,f=8/10,c=1/10)
@fc(1)=stopped, @c(1)=invalid.(top=f:n>c:0)? check 9-4-*. |
10 | f:2>@c:0 f:6>@c:1 | --- | x x | . tryout |
* | f:2>@c:0 | x |
* | 28%,4/14 (23%,3/13) |
@f:5>@c:0 out=(@f:5>@c:0)
tryout=(@f:9>@c:1) tryout,out=(@f:9>@c:1) fullpath()=(@f:7>@c:3) |
x x x x x |
path.top= (f=10/14,c=4/14:28%) |
11 | f:1<@c:5 f:3<@c:6 | --- | o o | tryout |
* | f:3<@c:6 | o |
* | 42%,8/19 (same) |
@f:1<@c:12 tryout=(@f:7<@c:18) fullpath()=(@f:8<@c:13) | o o o |
path.top= (f=6/26,c=20/26) |
13 | f:5>@c:0 f:5>@c:1 | --- | x x | . tryout |
* | same | x |
* | 40%,8/20 (same) | @f:12 >@c:0 tryout=(@f:12 >@c:1) fullpath()=(@f:10 >@c:2) | x x x |
path.top= (f*18/20,c=2/20:10%) |
17 | f:1>@c:0 | --- | x | |
* | same | x |
* | 0%,0/3 (same) | same tryout=(same) fullpath()=same | x x x |
path.top= (f=2/3,c=1/3) |
19 | f:1<@c:5 f:2<@c:5 | --- | o? o? | ? tryout |
* | f:1=@c:1 f:2>@c:1:tryout | x x |
* | 45%,10/22 (55%,10/18) |
@f:4 < @c:6 out=(@f:4 > @c:2) tryout=(@f:4 < @c:6) tryout,out=(@f:4 > @c:2) fullpath()=(@f:4 > @c:2)
applied [d-2],n=c(10,11,13): @f > @c;
o? x o? x x |
path.top=19-13-*:f>@c (f=1/22:4.5%,c=21/22) |
23 | f:0<@c:5 | --- | o? | |
* | f:2<@c:5 | o? |
* | 45%,10/22 (same) | @f:0 < @c:6
tryout=(@f:8 > @c:6) fullpath()=(@f:5 < @c:9)
applied [d-1],n=13:@f>@c |
o? x
o?x |
path.top=23-13-* =(f=0/22,c=22/22) =>applied [d-1],n=13. |
29 | f:6>@c:0 | --- | x | |
* | f:6>@c:0 | x |
* | 35%,7/20 (43%,7/16) |
f:12>@c:0 out=(f:12>@c:0)
tryout=(@f:12 > @c:2) tryout,out=(@f:12 > @c:2)
applied [d-1],n=19:@f > @c |
x x x x x x |
path.top=29-19-* =(f=20/20,c=0/20) =>applied [d-1],n=19. |
So, init=5 : @expected=c(5,7,8,11);
__[org] border=c(5,7,8,11,19?,23?); @!happy.
__[depth-limiter] border=c(5,7,8,11,23?); @!happy.
__[tryout2 :use common-path (same as...)] border=c(5,7,8,11,19?,23?, ...); @!happy.
__[tryout2 :with tryout, out=depth-limiter] border=c(5,7?,8?,11); happy? @自然は細部にこだわる...Nature pays attention to details...
__[fullpath(tryout2; tryout,out),偏りを嫌う] border=c(5,7,8,11); @by c(d-1, d-2, d-3, h)
2022/12/03 : started to edit.
2022/12/05 : added common-path. fixed n=c(6,7,8,9,17). added n=c(all).
2022/12/06 : added c([4][f], n=c(5)).
2022/12/07 : fixed n=c(10,11,13), tryout n=c(19).
2022/12/08-09-10 : added c([4][g]). applied depth-limiter for n=all.
2022/12/10 : Finally, n=23 left. A problem occurred while working on it.
2022/12/11-14 : modified c([4][c], [4][e], [4][g]). redid n=all for tryout2. n=c(7,8) is not expected.
2022/12/14,15 : added c([4][c-3],[d-1]). (TODO) redo n=all for fullpath().
2022/12/18 : added c([4][d-2][d-3]).
2022/12/26-27 : added c([4][h],[i]).長かったけれど、楽しめました。ありがとう。
(TODO)3つの世界は存在するか? 素数の世界も島があり、分断されている?
(TODO) three worlds exist? The world of prime numbers also has islands and is divided?
@子(border)は親(init)に似るということか? {@偏り嫌い(偏ったら、更に内側を見る), @全パスの多数決で判断...}
__init(@f = @c) : border()=all(@f = @c); init=c(?);
__init(@f > @c) : border()=all(@f > @c); init=c(?);
__init(@f < @c) : border()=all(@f < @c); init=c(5,...);