
Happening of thing

システムのロジックを外だしにし、コーディングなしで動作するもののプロトタイプを構想していた。ルールはJBoss Rulesベースで、Excel等で管理する。

In the latter half of 2007
The logic of the system was planned, and it was the outside and the prototype was planned though it operated without the mother-of-pearl and coding. The rule is managed by Excel etc. with the JBoss Rules base.
In addition, the direction and groping to advance the idea, to give the input pattern and the output pattern, and to study the processing system with GA (genetic algorithm) proceeded. Then, it was JGAP to use.
Having reached it at last by the learning pattern was a prime number.
It seemed to be able to reach the goal at last by allocating the pattern in the prime number at little time.
After all, though the plan was canceled on the way.
The prime number is recalled after an interval of tens of years, and it will begin to search for this number surrounding.

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